We wanted to share some information about a cool opportunity coming up at Episcopal High School on February 24th: the HoustonGap Year Fair. This event is open to anyone in the Houston area and is a great way to get more information about different programs, what to expect, and how to tell who might be a good fit to take a gap year. Some students just aren’t ready to head straight to college and a structured gap year can help them to mature, gain additional experience, and start college on the right foot a year later.
Here’s all the information about the fair:
Houston Gap Year Fair
Monday, February 24, 2014
6:30 to 8:30 p.m.
*Speaker at 6 p.m in Anderson Lecture Hall.
Traditional fair to follow in the Underwood Student Center
Episcopal High School
4650 Bissonnet St., Bellaire, TX 77401
A Gap Year is a period of time between completing high school and beginning college when a student steps outside the traditional classroom experience. This is a time to explore the world, reflect on personal values and goals, and prepare to take the next step in life.
Please register at www.usagapyearfairs.org.