Do not submit an extended time application without making sure you have included every possible detail.
Getting extended time on standardized tests can be critical to a student’s success, and these days, the number of students who are applying for extended time is increasing dramatically. At the same time, reviewers of extended time applications at the College Board and ACT have implemented stronger scrutiny. They want to make sure that students do not abuse the system, so unless a file is in excellent order and provides a full picture of an applicable disability, your child is likely to get rejected by one or both of the testing boards.
All-in-One Academics knows how to evaluate a file and can advise you on how to proceed in the extended time filing process. We can help you determine what additional documentation and testing you may need to provide a convincing case to the testing organizations. We work hand-in-hand with Houston’s best professionals, who can perform additional testing, if needed. Or, if you have only a minimal paper trail, we can also refer you to a legal professional who can help make your disability claim.